Sufi Poetry

I have loved in life
and I have been loved.
I have drunk the bowl of poison
from the hands of love as nectar,
and have been raised above life's joy and sorrow.

My heart, aflame in love,
set afire every heart that came in touch with it.
My heart has been rent
and joined again;
My heart has been broken
and again made whole;
My heart has been wounded
and healed again;
A thousand deaths my heart has died,
and thanks be to love,
it lives yet.

I went through hell and saw there love's raging fire,
and I entered heaven illumined with the light of love.

I wept in love
and made all weep with me;
I mourned in love
and pierced the hearts of men;
And when my fiery glance fell on the rocks,
the rocks burst forth as volcanoes.
The whole world sank in the flood
caused by my one tear;
With my deep sigh the earth trembled,
and when I cried aloud the name of my beloved,
I shook the throne of God in heaven.

I bowed my head low in humility,
and on my knees I begged of love,
"Disclose to me, I pray thee, O love, thy secret."
She took me gently by my arms and lifted me above the earth,
and spoke softly in my ear,
"My dear one,
thou thyself art love, art lover, and thyself art the beloved
whom thou hast adored."

Hazrat Inayat Khan

© Mazhar Hayat Noon

always traversing the world
tell me:
what benefit has come of it?
which you are seeking
is with you;
and you seek

'Ayn al-Qozat

a garden among the flames!
My heart can take on
any form:
a meadow for gazelles,
a cloister for monks,
For the idols, sacred ground,
Ka'ba for the circling pilgrim,
the tables of the Torah,
the scrolls of the Qur'an.
My creed is love;
wherever its caravan turns along the way,
that is my belief,
my faith.

Ibn’ Arabi

Omar Khayyam:
An Iranian Sufi, Poet, Philosopher and Scientist who lived in the eleventh century. Widely misunderstood due to the apparent hedonistic character, his writings were only a garb for the profound inner meanings he tried to disclose.


"My soaring mind cannot approach Thy throne.
I kiss this ground and thus for sins atone.
O wondrous Charmer! Who can know Thy Being?
Perchance, Thy knower may be Thou alone."


"Without Love and Guide the world’s a restless round,
When heart will tune to flute then He is found;
I scanned the world around, at last I find
That bliss is Truth – rest is hollow sound."


"We came as purest gold, but changed to dross
We came sedate, but griefs have made us cross
We loved with cheerful eyes and flaming hearts
But cast our lives to winds, in dust we toss."


"O thou that seek to find eternal light
When evoking His name, you gain celestial height
The Lord’s with thee, His highest seat thy heart
If not with thee, where could thou find him right?"


"Ah Love! Could you and I with Him conspire
To grasp this sorry scheme of things entire,
Would we not shatter it to bits – and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!"