Prayers by Shaykh Abu Talib Muhammad Makki

Abu Talib al-Makki, Muhammad ibn 'Ali
(d. 386/996 in Baghdad).

A hadith scholar, Maliki jurist and a Sufi Mystic, set down the foundation of Sufi practices and author of the book Qut al-qulub fi mu'amalat al-mahbub wa wasf tariq al-murid ila maqam al-tawhid (The nourishment of hearts in dealing with the Beloved and the description of the seeker's way to the station of declaring oneness).

Al-Ghazali used this book as a source for some of the chapters of his magnum opus ihya' 'ulum al-din' (Revival of Islamic Knowledge).

Prayer for Dispelling Sorrow.
On the transmission of Hazrat Ans bin Malik r.a it has been reported that once the Holy Prophet s.w said to his daughter: O Fatima! Listen carefully to this bequest, pray thus:

Ya-Hayyu-Ya-Qayyumu-Birahmatika-Astaghisu-Fa-aghisni-Wa-La-Takilni-Ila-Nafsi- Tarfata-‘Aynin-Wa-Aslih-Li-Shaani-Kullahu.

O’ the Ever-Living and the Everlasting! I ask for Your help through Your mercy, so help me, and do not assign me to my self even for the time of batting an eyelid, and set right all my affairs for me.

Prayer of Hazrat Jibrail a.s.
Hazrat Ibn Umar r.a reported that Hazrat Jibrail a.s came to Hazrat Muhammad s.w and taught him this prayer:

Ya-Nur-As-Samawaati-Wal-Ardi-Ya-Jamal-As-Samawaati-Wal-Ardi-Ya-Emaad-As- Samawaati-Wal-Ardi-Ya-Badi’-As-Samawaati-Wal-Ardi-Ya-Zaljalali-Wal-Ikraami-Ya- Sareekhal-Mustasrikheena-Ya-Ghaus-al-Mustaghiseena-Ya-Muntaha-Raghbat-Ar- Raghibeena-Wal-Mufarrija-‘Anil-Makrubeena-Wal-Murawwiha-‘Anil-Maghmumeena-Wa- Mujiba-Da’watal-Mudhtareena-Wa-Kashif-As-Suwa-Wa-Arham-Ar-Rahimeena-Wa-Ilaahal- Alimeena-Manzulun-Bika-Kullu-Hajatin-Ya-Akram-Al-Akrameena-Wa-Ya-Arham-Ar- Rahimeen.

O You Who Are The Light of the Heavens and the Earth, O You Who Are the Beauty of the Heavens and the Earth, O You Who Are the Support of the Heavens and the Earth, O You Who Are the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, O You Who Are the Possesor of Majesty and Kindness. O The One Who Hears the call of the callers, O The One Who Helps the ones seeking help, O The Last Resort of the seekers, and The One Who Frees the distressed, and The Reliever of the sorrow-stricken, and The Acceptor of the prayers of the afflicted, and The Remover of afflictions, and The Greatest of the Merciful, and The One worshipped in all the worlds, every need is presented to You, O The Most Kind and The Most Merciful.

A Prayer of Hazrat Isa a.s.
Moammar r.a related from Jaffar bin Burqan that he said that Hazrat Isa ibn Maryam r.a used to pray thus:

Allahumma-inni-asbahtu-la-astati’u-daf’a-ma-akrahu-wa-la-amliku-naf’a-ma-arju-wa- asbahal-amru-biyaddika-la-biyaddi-ghayrika-wa-asbahtu-murtahinan-bi’amali-fala-faqira- afqaru-minni-allahumma-la-tushmit-bi- ‘aduwwi-wa-la-tus’iyi-bi-siddiqi-wa-la-taja’al- musibati-fi-dini-wa-la-taja’al-id-dunya-akbara-hammi-wa-la-mablagha-‘ilmi-wa-la- ghayata-amli-wa-la-tusallit-alayya-man-la-yarhamuni.

O Allah my morning arrives with me unable to dispel that which is disliked by me and the benefit that I am hopeful of , I am not master over. And the whole matter is in Your Hands. Not in the hands of any other apart from You. And I am caught up in my deeds. There is no other who is more needy than me. O Allah do not let my enemies rejoice over me, and nor let any injury come to my friends through me, and let not me suffer in faith, and do not let the world become my chief concern, or the ultimate source of my knowledge or hope. And place not one who is merciless, over me.

A Prayer of Hazrat Khizr and Hazrat Ilyas.
[It is said that this prayer guards against the harm of burning and drowning].
It is reported by Hazrat Ata r.a that Hazrat Ibn Abbas r.a narrated that in each season, when Hazrat Khidr a.s and Hazrat Ilyas a.s meet, their parting prayer is:

Bismillahi-mashallahu-la-quwwata-illa-billahi-mashallahu-kullu-ni’matim-min-allahi- mashallahul-khayru-kullahu-biyaddillahi-azza-wa-jalla-mashallahu-la-yasrifu-suwa- illallahu-mashallahu-la-hawla-wa-la-quwwata-illa-billahi.

In the Name of Allah.Whatever Allah Wills.There is no strength apart from that which belongs to Allah.Whatever Allah Wills.Every blessing is from Allah. Whatever Allah Wills. Every good is in the Hands of Allah the Great and the Majestic. Whatever Allah Wills. None can remove evil apart from Allah. Whatever Allah Wills. There is no strength or fear save that which is with Allah.

A Prayer of Protection against Fear, Being Lost and Sleeplessness.
Hazrat Abu Talib Muhammad Makki reports in "Quwwat al Qulub" that Hazrat Said bin Abi Ruha, a great saint of his time,one night finding himself alone in a deserted place, was overcome by a sense of fear and restlessness. Suddenly a stranger appeared and Hazrat Said bin Abi Ruha’s fear intensified. He, however, soon realised that the stranger was reciting the Quran. Then turning to Hazrat, he addressed him saying: Shall I teach you the prayer which if you recite in the moment of fear, removes all fear, and at the moment of having lost your way, you will find it, and at the time of sleeplessness, will bring on sleep. Hazrat Said bin Abi Ruha said: May Allah have mercy upon you. Please do teach me those words.
Those words are:

Bismillahi-zishaani-azeemil-burhaani-shadeedis-sultaani-kulla-yawmin-huwa-fi-shaanin- la-hawla-wa-la-quwwata-illa-billahil-aliyyul-azeem.

In the Name of Allah, The Possessor of Glory, The Greatest Proof, Possessor of Severity and Sovereignty. Each day He is upon a new manifestation of His Glory. There is no strength and no fear apart from that which belongs to Allah.

Hazrat Adam’s a.s Prayer for Seeking Allah’s Forgiveness and Bounty.
It is reported by Hashim bin Urwah that he heard his father say that Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa r.a narrated: When Allah decided to accept the repentance of Hazrat Adam a.s, he circumambulated the Kaaba [which was nothing but a mound of red sand at that time] seven times, after which he offered two rakaats of prayer and prayed the following prayer. After he had prayed, Allah revealed to him that he had been forgiven and that whoever from amongst the progeny of Adam would pray thus, would also be forgiven and all his needs would be fulfilled and cares removed.

Allahumma-innaka-ta’alamu-sirri-wa-‘alaaniyati-fa’aqbil-ma’zirati-wa-ta’alamu-hajati- fa’a’tini-su’ali-wa-ta’alamu-ma-fi-nafsi-faghfirli-zunubi-allahumma-inni-asa’luka-imaanan- yubashiru-qalbi-wa-yaqinan-saadiqan-hatta-a’lama-annahu-la-yusibuni-illa-ma-katabta-li- wa-rida-bima-qasamta-li-ya-zaljalal-wal-ikraam.

O Allah! Verily! You are aware of what is hidden and what is apparent regarding myself. So accept from me my excuse.And you are aware of my need so grant me that which I ask for. And you know that which is in my self so forgive my sins. O Allah! Verily! I ask of Thee such faith that becomes entrenched in my heart, and true belief to an extent that I become convinced that only that which You have decreed for me will reach me, and that I become satisfied with your decree. O The Possessor of Majesty and Kindness.